Join the community

The Cloud Native Platform is an open source project that while focuses on the Canadian government anyone in the public can freely use, learn upon, and extend to fit their needs.

The links provided below highlight the ways you can find out what is happening and how you can get involved.

Learn and Connect

Working in government and use or want to use the Cloud Native Platform?

  • GC Message:
    Chat with project contributors internal to government
  • GC Collab:
    Collaboration and networking with experts, partners and contributors
  • Digital Academy:
    Watch and follow our Digital Academy course on cloud native

Develop and contribute

Want to get more involved by contributing to the Cloud Native Platform?

Before contributing to our docs please consult the Contribution Guidelines.

Code Samples

Learn and use

Learn about the Cloud Native Platform for Government and get started with KataCoda scenarios:

Share your knowledge

Do you have an KataCoda scenario that teaches a cloud native use-case or concept?

Contribute it back to the community:

Additionally we are also looking for code contributions and improvements to Terraform (infrastructure as code) templates.

Learn how to contribute...