Contribution guidelines

Here is where you can learn how to engage with the community of developers.

Reminder that you can use our Community page for links to chats, discussions, or Questions and Answers.

Important. Before proceeding, we ask that you read the CNCF Code of Conduct since is what we as a community follow.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact either one of the primary authors at:

Welcome to the community!

This is the starting point for becoming a contributor - improving code, improving docs, giving talks, etc.

Other Documents

  • Code of Conduct - all contributors must abide by the code of conduct
  • Guidelines - guidelines and advice on becoming a contributor


The cloud native platform for government (GovCloud) is built on top of Kubernetes with primarily CNCF projects for primary use by the broader Canadian government.


The project was started by Statistics Canada but has ambitions to grow in its reach.

For a current list of the authors, see Authors.

Meetings and work groups

We have bi-weekly meetings to discuss roadblocks and new features being worked on.

How can I help

If you are looking for something to do to get started with the platform, please look for GitHub issues marked with the “Help Wanted” label:

In addition we are always looking for more testers and should you find any issue we would be happy to assist. Additionally we are always looking for documentation improvements or any other helpful material to be added.

Questions and issues

If you're a developer or potential contributor trying to use the platform we have a Slack channel.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.