New page template

A properly written guide should fully explain its topic and provide a clear value proposition for the reader. Attempts should be made to illustrate how learning a particular topic X can benefit other areas for topics Y and Z.

At a minimum attempts should be made to answer the following questions:

  • What does this guide show you how to do?
  • Why would someone want to do this?

Before you begin

You need:

  • A Kubernetes cluster
  • List other dependencies

Logical break down

Where possible you should avoid nesting headings directly on top of each other with no text in-between.

  1. Ordered lists for steps.
  2. Step number two.
  3. Step number three.

Again where possible avoid nesting headings directly on top of each other.

Place code into a annotated code block.

Small code snippet:

kubectl apply -f test.yaml

Additional code snippet:

kubectl apply -f test2.yaml

All code snippets should strive to add additional formatted comments describing how they work.


If any part of your guide installs an application give detailed steps on how it can be uninstalled.

What's next

Try to provide links for additional learning material.